How many people smoke in Sweden & Worldwide?

The number of people smoking in Sweden and around the world has steadily decreased and continues to do so. Sweden is a country with a relatively low number of smokers, with about 6 percent of the population aged 16-84 reporting daily smoking in 2022. Looking at global figures, around 23 percent of those aged 15 and older smoked daily in 2020.
How many people smoke in Sweden?
Since the 1980s, the number of smokers in Sweden has more than halved, now standing at around 6 percent. Several reasons have contributed to this decline, including tobacco prevention efforts that Sweden has implemented in recent years. For example, Sweden introduced the Tobacco Act in 1993, which banned direct advertising of tobacco products. In 1997, an age limit of 18 years for purchasing tobacco was introduced, and in 2005, indoor smoking bans were implemented. In 2019, the Tobacco Act was replaced by the Law on Tobacco and Similar Products, which extended the smoking ban to certain outdoor public spaces and tightened advertising restrictions.
When comparing Sweden to other countries, the country ranks low in terms of the number of smokers. However, Sweden ranks high in overall tobacco use due to the relatively high number of people who use snus. In 2022, 14 percent of Swedes reported using snus daily. The number of smokers in Sweden does not significantly differ between men and women, but a higher proportion of men use snus.
How many people smoke worldwide?
Globally, nearly 1 in 4 adults (23 percent) smoked daily in 2020. Smoking rates vary significantly between different countries. In some countries, the proportion of smokers was as high as nearly 40 percent. This includes certain countries in Southeast Asia as well as European countries like France, Germany, and Austria.
On the other hand, countries like Ethiopia, Ghana, and Nigeria had less than 5 percent of the population smoking, showing significant differences worldwide.
IQOS for a smoke-free Sweden
IQOS is a smoke-free alternative to cigarettes, designed to contribute to Sweden becoming one of the first smoke-free countries in the world.
Which country has the most smokers?
Myanmar, Greece, and Indonesia are examples of countries with the highest number of smokers in 2020..
How many people smoke worldwide?
23% smoked daily in 2020.
How many people smoke in Sweden in 2022?
According to the Public Health Agency of Sweden, six percent of people reported daily smoking in Sweden in 2022.