Where can you find IQOS when traveling?
IQOS is located in over 40 countries in Europe, the Middle East, Asia, Latin America and Africa. In other words you can find IQOS even when you are out traveling. IQOS can be purchased in kiosks, grocery stores and in our own stores. They can also be purchased in some Tax Free-stores. You can find a retailer or a store close to you in each country on our website.
You find IQOS while traveling in these countries:
- Albanien
- Andorra
- Armenien
- Aruba
- Bosnien & Hercegovina
- Bulgarien
- Colombia
- Costa Rica
- Curaçao
- Cypern
- Danmark
- Dominikanska Republiken
- Egypten
- Estland
- Frankrike (*IQOS ILUMA is not available here)
- Filippinerna
- Georgien
- Grekland
- Guatemala
- Island
- Israel
- Italien
- Japan
- Jordanien
- Kanada
- Kanarieöarna
- Kazakhstan
- Korea
- Kroatien
- Kuwait
- Kyrgyzstan
- Lettland
- Libanon
- Litauen
- Malaysia
- Maldiverna
- Marocko
- Mexico<
- Moldavien
- Monaco
- Montenegro
- Nederländerna
- Nya Zeeland
- Nord Makedonien
- Norge
- Palestina
- Polen
- Portugal
- Réunion
- Rumänien
- Ryssland
- Saudiarabien
- Serbien
- Slovakien
- Slovenien
- Spanien
- Storbritannien
- Sverige
- Switzerland
- Sydafrika
- Tjeckien
- Tunisien
- Tyskland
- Ukraina
- Förenade Arabemiraten
- Ungern
- Uzbekistan
- Österrike
Help when you are traveling
If your IQOS were to break when you are traveling you can make use of our international assistance, as long as both you and your IQOS are registered and the optional IQOS-guarantee is valid in the country you are in.
You are always welcome to contact our customer service to receive help finding IQOS when you are traveling or have any questions about our international assistance-service.